Thursday, December 10, 2009

When God's Directions Don't Make Sense

Have you ever been in the place where your common sense argues with God's directions? Frustrating, isn't it? You know you're where God wants you and that you're doing what He wants you to do, but things aren't working out so well. Common sense tells you to try a different approach. What do you do?

A friend of mine mentioned this recently to me on the phone. Just like it is for many of us, money is tight. She is a stay-at-home mom. Her common sense is telling her to get a job, but she knows that she's where the Lord has called her to be. I relayed to her that I know EXACTLY how she feels. With Jason's 6-month layoff, we're still struggling to get our heads above water. My common sense is telling me to leave my writing and go get a job that actually pays. The sad part is that I've actually tried even though I knew the Lord wanted me to stay home and write.

I was scared. I was desperate. I was confused. I kept thinking if God really wanted me to do this, He would provide for our needs. Little did I realize He was providing for our needs, just not in the way I wanted. So, I applied for jobs and even took a job tutoring. Boy, was that mistake!!! My common sense was leading me off the path the Lord had laid out for me.

Don't get me wrong. I love my job! As I type this blog entry, I'm propped up in my warm bed. My business attire consists of sweats and some days, flannel pajamas. Some days I work in my office. Other days I work in the living room in front of the fire. I love to write, and I enjoy the freedom I have by working from home. I just wish there were a big paycheck waiting for me at the end of the week.

My point? God's ways don't always make sense to us. I'm sure other people have looked at my circumstances and thought, Why don't you go get a real job? Honestly, I've thought it myself. But then God reminds me that His ways are not my ways. He knows all things. He knows where this path will lead. He knows what's best for me. And I know enough to know that the path He has me on is where I need to stay. Even if I don't understand, I can trust that He has my best interest at heart. Trust -- what a novel idea!

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. - Isaiah 55:7

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