Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to Reach Your Full Potentential for God by Charles F. Stanley

Do you ever look at your life and feel that there must be more to it? Do you ever wonder about God's plan for your life yet feel as if you're falling short? In his book, How to Reach Your Full Potential for God, Charles Stanley hits on seven key points necessary for living your life in God's will and at your full potential.

From the very beginning of the book, I felt as if Dr. Stanley was speaking to me and that through him, God was answering many questions that I had been asking lately. God has so much in store for us, but so many of us are falling short of the blessings He has laid out for our lives because we are not living up to our full potential.

Chapter by chapter, Dr. Stanley lays out the Biblical truths behind being all we can be for Christ and experiencing all that He wishes for us to experience. This book helped me to realize that I have not been as fully-surrendered to God as I thought I was. It has challenged me to surrender my entire being to God and instructed me how to live up to my full potential, whatever the risk.

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