Thursday, January 6, 2011

Moving Mountains

There's an old Chinese proverb that says, "You can move a mountain one stone at a time." I came across a similar quote this morning, and it got me thinking. How many times do I turn my back on a situation because I feel I can't make a difference?

There are tasks set before each of us that seem overwhelming. The thought of moving the mountain is discouraging to say the least. But God doesn't intend for us to tackle the entire mountain. He urges us to take one step of faith at a time. Move one stone, and then another, and then another. Before we realize it, the mountain will be gone, and we will have made a difference.

Feeling worthless today? Battling feelings of insignificance? Doubting that anything you do in this life could make a difference? If so, this post is for you. Every helping hand makes a difference. . . even if you only move one stone.

What do you say? Let's start moving some mountains.


  1. Why would you want to move a mountain, when you can sail in the wind?

  2. oh, and that mountain is not in china, it's in glacier national park.

  3. Thank you for your comment. Why would I move a mountain instead of sail in the wind? Well, truth be told, because sometimes that's what God asks of me. Yes, there are times He calls me to sail in the wind, but there are also times He set mountains in my path. Such is the story of the Christian life.

    As for the picture of the mountains, I never said the mountains were in China. I spoke of an old Chinese proverb. I'm sorry if that's all you gained from the post.
