Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Dog Called Namaan by Susan Barnett Braun

What an adorable story! A girl with a desire for a dog of her own. A teacher grieving the loss of her own pet. Parents striving to instill in their daughter a sense of responsibility. And a Sunday School teacher who helps bring them all together.

Ms. Braun has written a fantastic story and has woven in morals and Bible verses without coming across as "preachy" or condescending. Being an animal lover, I don't usually like stories where an animal dies, but through the devastating circumstances in the book, an even greater miracle takes place. Additionally, the book shows children that God can use them, no matter their age. He only requires their willingness, which Megan is willing to offer.

The book was easy to read and understand, yet entertaining enough to keep the attention of less-eager readers. I recommend it for children of all ages since even the younger ones who may not be able to read it for themselves would enjoy the story itself. Yes, if I were still teaching, this book would definitely be on the shelf in my classroom.

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