Friday, June 13, 2014

Trail of Dreams

I have a dream.  It's a dream I've had since I was a child, and unlike many childhood fantasies, this particular dream grows stronger the older I get.  I long to own and live on a large property that includes its own hiking trails and flowing streams.  I often fantasize about how nice it would be to walk out my back door and, within minutes, find myself on my own private trail.  Daily walks in the morning and evening would be an easy task to perform.  In fact, I could even take the dogs.  They wouldn't need leashes, and everyone could walk at his/her own pace.  Oh, yes, it's my idea of the perfect home site.

I was thinking about this dream the other morning as I walked down the road toward my current walking trail.  To gain access to the Swamp Rabbit Trail, I have to walk down to the end of my street, turn right, walk another short distance, turn left onto a steep, gravel driveway, descend the slope, cut through the weeded section at the bottom and then turn either left or right onto the trail (depending on which direction I feel like going any given morning).  It's not perfect, but it works.

However, this particular morning, I was comparing my current trail to my dream trail.  With my dream trail, I wouldn't have to feel guilty about leaving the dogs behind.  We could all exercise, and I could still do my prayer walk (an impossibility when Mitch is dragging me at the end of the leash).  I could walk whenever I wanted to.  Jason could join us in the evenings, and we could have quiet family time together.  I wouldn't have to worry about strangers or traffic.  On and on my mind swirled, causing me to grow more discontent with every step.  Fortunately, God was monitoring my thoughts and quickly brought a few things to my mind.

No, the Swamp Rabbit Trail is not my dream trail.  It is not private.  I can't walk the dogs without leashes.  But how many people can say that they're within walking distance of such a trail?  I don't have to drive to a trail head or parking area.  The short walk to the trail isn't strenuous or in a high traffic area.  God has allowed me the health, the time and the freedom to walk and has even provided a safe place for me to do that.  Furthermore, I can get on the trail whenever I want.  It's never closed to me.  Whatever time of day I decide to meander out there, it's waiting for me.

God is the same way.  No matter what time of day I call on Him, He's there.  In the morning, I can walk with Him.  In the noontime, I can talk with Him.  In the evening, I can rest in Him.  No matter what I need or when I seek Him, He's always available.  And unlike the trail, I don't have to share Him with others because when I talk to God, He treats me like I'm the only one in the world.  I never feel rushed or brushed off.  He never makes it seem like He has something more important to do than listen to my petty problems. . . again.  No, He gives me His complete, undivided attention.  How He can accomplish that I don't know.  But I know that all of His children must feel the same way.  What a joy and privilege!

One day, perhaps God will allow my dream to come true, and I can own a property with its own private trails.  Until then, I pray that I will be content with what I have and count it an honor to be so blessed.

 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. - Psalm 55:17

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