Tuesday, August 19, 2014

An Intriguing Question

Last Friday night, our church hosted a singing event at a local auditorium.  The place accommodates over 800 people, and we nearly had a full house.  It was a blessed event.  In addition, I was invited to set up a table as a vendor to sell my books and other products, and the Lord blessed with over $100 in sales for me.  But that wasn't the best part of the evening.  No, the best part took place shortly after the intermission when I was approached by an elderly gentleman who struck up a conversation.

Shortly into our talk, he mentioned that his wife had passed away not long ago.  I replied, "I'm so sorry, but from the way you've described her, I believe she's in a better place."  What he said next caused my jaw to plummet to the floor.  In a truly questioning, non-angry voice, he asked, "Why do people always say that?  How can we know it's a better place since we've never been."  I was shocked.  I've never thought about it, and I've certainly never been asked such a question.  So, I answered with the only words I knew.  "The Bible makes it clear that Heaven is a wonderful place.  It is a place with no more sorrow, no more death, no more pain and no more tears.  That certainly sounds better than where we are currently, doesn't it?"

You wouldn't believe the light that came into his eyes.  It was like nothing I've ever seen before.  He went on to tell me that he had finally read all the way through the Bible and that he wanted to read through it again because he liked what he saw there.  He continued to ask me questions about Heaven and about salvation.  He was confused about the difference between salvation and baptism and was unsure if he was truly saved.  I was able to spend the next several minutes helping him to understand the difference and explaining to him about salvation.  He seemed relieved by what I had to say but also burdened for his family that he didn't believe were saved.  I encouraged him to share the truth of what he had learned with them and to pray that the Lord would draw them to Him.  When we parted ways, he told me that he hoped to visit my church on Wednesday night.  I pray that he will make it!

My dear friends, every day I am reminded that time is drawing to an end.  As the world grows more and more wicked, it is evident that the day of the Lord's return is imminent.  It could be today!  If you are unsure about where you'll be spending eternity, please get it settled today.  Contact me.  Talk to a pastor or saved family member.  But please, don't wait another day before getting things right between you and God.  If you haven't accepted His gift of salvation, please do it right now.  There may not be a later.

For those of you who are saved, there is a multitude dying and going to hell.  It's up to us to reach them, and while it's not possible to reach them all, it is possible for each of us to reach at least one.  I plead with you, take the time, make the effort.  Let's reach out and bring hope to the hopeless before it's too late.  That's truly what the Christian life is all about!

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: - I Peter 3:15

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