Thursday, September 11, 2014

We Will Remember

Today, millions of people across our great country will gather together to remember the many lives lost on September 11, 2001.  As I think back on the event, I am filled with sadness, heartache and anger.  I feel for those who lost so much on that dreadful day.  I sorrow for the many who still mourn for loved ones they will never see again this side of Heaven.  And I fear for our country which is becoming less of a Christian nation day by day.  Yes, it is a sobering time, but as I was reminded this morning, all hope is not lost.

It is in the darkest times that it is easiest to see the light.  The beam of a flashlight is indistinguishable in the brightness of the sun, but in the darkest gloom, the beam shines brightly and lights the path before us.  II Corinthians 12:9-10 reminds us, And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

There is light in our darkness.  There is hope in the path before us.  There is strength for the journey.  Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to note that on the eve of 9/11, we heard President Obama speak about the newest and latest terrorist threat. May we draw closer and closer to God for that is the only lasting refuge from the evil in the world.
