Thursday, February 19, 2015

Boy, We're in Hot Water Now!

Yes, we're in hot water, and I absolutely love it!  Okay, I can tell from those strange stares that perhaps I should explain myself.  As you may remember, just last week, we had to replace our hot water heater.  While we had no idea the thing was going to conk out on us last week, we had noticed over the past several months that it wasn't working as it used to.  It took f-o-r-e-v-e-r for the water to heat, and once it did, you had about twenty minutes before it started cooling off.  And let me tell you, once it started cooling off, you had about two minutes before it turned to ice.  Long, hot showers were a thing of the past, and back-to-back showers were taken only when absolutely necessary. (And woe to the poor popsicle--I mean, person--who was second in the shower!)

But now, since the installation of our new tankless hot water heater, the hot water lasts as long as you want it to (which is probably going to be bad for our water bill).  I can turn on the shower, and in no time, the water is hot, and the best part is that it remains that way indefinitely. . . even if I'm showering right after Jason.  Hot water!  Yes, it's a blessing.

As I enjoyed my long, hot shower this morning, the Lord brought to mind a couple of things to meditate on.  First off, I now have a better understanding of why the Lord can't stomach lukewarm Christians.  A lukewarm shower is not refreshing in any way, especially in the dead of winter.  Lukewarm just doesn't cut it.  It's not sufficient for killing germs.  It doesn't have what it takes to break up morning congestion.  And it's certainly not up to the task of warming a chilled body.  If anything, it makes it worse!  So, yes, that whole passage about the lukewarm church now has a more powerful punch.

Secondly, I was blessed by the reminder that God's faithfulness and love are like my current hot water--they never run out!  They will never run dry, nor will they ever be used up.  The tank of God's mercy is never on empty. . . NEVER!  No matter how bad I've been or how far I've strayed, I can also rest assured that I won't be left out in the cold.  Not that this assurance gives me a reason or excuse to do my own thing, but rather, it pricks my conscience that I could ever stray from such a loving, caring Father.

Just this morning, I read in II Timothy 2:13 which says, If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.  As soon as I read that verse, my mind drifted to my fears about Jason's current lack of work.  As much as I've tried to have faith, fear and uncertainty have crept in over the past week, constantly whispering in my ear, "Now what are you going to do?  How's God going to help you this time?  Sure, He sent some money, but now, even that is gone.  You're in trouble, big trouble."  The crazy part is that we go through this same situation every year at this same time.  This is the slow season.  It always has been, yet God has always seen us through.  So, why am I still afraid?

I fear I don't have an answer for that, but I'm glad that God's faithfulness is not dependent on my own.  I'm glad He'll still be faithful to me even when I don't trust Him as I should.  And you know what?  That very fact makes me long to trust Him even more.  The Bible says that God is going to take care of me, and it assures me that God's faithfulness to me will never run out.  It will last just as long as I need it to. . . and beyond.

Wow, I have to say that's even better than a long, hot shower!  What do you think?


  1. I love when God gives us real life and real time applications of his Word as you shared in this post! May God's well of blessings and mercies encourage you and comfort you today!

  2. Thank you, Debbie. Yes, I love it when God opens my eyes and allows me to see the spiritual lessons all around me. What a blessing!
