Friday, July 15, 2016

Right on Schedule

My brain hurts!  A few weeks ago I enrolled in a writing class that I'm praying will help take my books to a new level as far as quality, quantity, and also audience reach.  It's been an interesting class, and I've learned a good bit so far (of course, I do love to learn), but overall, most of what we've covered so far I already knew, at least to a degree.

Last week, however, we arrived in new territory, and suddenly, I found myself completely overwhelmed with new information.  I watched the videos, read the reports, and tried to implement the steps one at a time, but soon I realized I had a problem.  I needed to set up a timeline for my next book launch (which is happening on August 9th), which meant I needed to know ahead of time what I was expected to do and when I was expected to do it.  So I printed off my calendars and started making notes.  "This has to be done two weeks before the launch."  "That needs to go there, the day before the launch."  "Oops, this was supposed to be done already.  I guess I'd better get on that."  See what I mean?  Craziness!

I like schedules.  I love routine.  Ya'll know this by now.  What I don't like is trying to create a schedule or routine when I don't have a clue what I'm doing!  Still, I keep telling myself that it will be worth it.  With my schedule in place, the days leading up to my launch should be less stressful and hectic.  With a plan in mind (and on paper), things should run more smoothly.  And the best part is that the next time I'm planning a launch, I'll at least have a clue what I'm doing, and the process won't seem so foreign.  Each time, it should become easier to do.  (Notice I used the word "should" a lot in that paragraph.  Yes, that was on purpose.)

Schedules and timetables can be a great asset.  Take it from the Lord, He knows.  You may be saying, "What?  When does the Bible talk about the Lord having a schedule?"  All the time, actually.  Think about how many times Jesus said, "It is not yet time" or "the time has come."  From before the world began, God had a plan, and He had every step figured in and figured out.  He knew when man would sin.  He pinpointed the time He would need to send the great flood to wipe our most of humanity and start over.  He understood that the children of Israel would wander in the wilderness for forty years because of unbelief.  None of these things took Him by surprise.

And I imagine His cosmic calendar bore a foreboding dark "X" on the day that He would send His only begotten Son to be born of a woman and an equally foreboding "X" on the day that He would turn His back on His Son as He hung on that old, rugged cross.  Can you imagine having to create that schedule or having to stare at those black "X's," knowing that the time was rapidly approaching? Amazing!

The best news is that God still has some things on His schedule, one of which is the Lord's return to take His children home.  I'm ready for that day.  How about you?

Now, if you'll excuse, my schedule for the day is full, and I need to get started!

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: - Ecclesiastes 3:1

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