As a writer, I deal a lot with editing. Some writers truly enjoy the editing process. I am not one of them! It's hard to take my "work of art" and prune it down. Deciding what to cut and what change is a difficult process for me.
I recently entered a writing contest that required a 1,000-word story based on a writing prompt. I was 1,000 words into my story before I made it past the writing prompt. What does that mean? It means that I either had to stop my story in the middle, or I had to finish it and then do some major editing. Man, it hurts to press the delete key on some of my well-crafted sentences and paragraphs. Difficult, but needful. Every writer knows that the first draft is not good enough. Editing is required.
I am reminded of the editing (or pruning) that God must do in my life. Cutting out what isn't good for me. Changing me where I need to be changed. Molding me into what He wants me to be. It makes me wonder if He, too, dislikes the editing process. I know He doesn't enjoy making me suffer through trials, but I also know that He is only doing what is necessary to lead me to the place that I need to be. Trials help me to grow, but boy, do they hurt! Does He hurt as well?
I guess parents would be the best people to answer this question. Parents, doesn't it hurt you to discipline your child? I'm sure you don't enjoy spanking or punishing, but it's necessary, right? I think it's the same way with us and the Lord. We are His children. He is our Heavenly Father. And while pruning may be painful, He loves us enough to do it instead of allowing us to grow wild and become something we were never meant to be.
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